Soccer Field
Soccer Field | VV Katwijk
One of the most famous amateur clubs in the Netherlands has opted for the innovative Dark Licht fixture. We have replaced the 4 illuminated fields on the accommodation with sustainable LED lighting. An installation of no less than 500 lux hangs on the main field. This means that top-level matches can be played and where TV can make recordings.
Luminaires Installed
Measured Average Lux
Measured Uniformity
500 lux Field Summary:
This project contains a standard soccer field.
Dimensions Soccer Field: 64 x 100 meter
Amount of poles used: 8 poles
Luminaires used:
- 20x Dark Licht – 1200W | Industrial
- 4x Dark Licht – 1800W | Industrial
Total amount of kW used: 31.2kW (20x1200W + 4x1800W)

20x Dark Licht
1200W | Industrial
4x Dark Licht
1800W | Industrial

10x Dark Licht
600W | Industrial
3x 100 lux Field Summary:
This project contains a standard soccer field.
Dimensions Soccer Field: 64 x 100 meter
Amount of poles used per Field: 8 poles
Luminaires used per field:
- 10x Dark Licht – 600W | Industrial
Total amount of kW used: 6kW (10x600W)
Project overview: images
Dark Licht Provides Dark Accommodation
In addition to the main field with 500 lux, there are also three training fields equipped with lighting. Here 100 lux is achieved per field. The photos clearly show that all the light ends up on the fields. This darkens the rest of the accommodation and causes as little light nuisance to the environment as possible.
Opponent Testimonial
Unlike the lighting we have at our club, this lighting looks great! I would like to come and play football on your football field to experience the difference!