Construction Lighting
Ballast Nedam | Construction
Ballast Nedam and Heddes Bouw are the first major construction companies in the world that switch over from conventional lighting to glare free sustainable lighting solution with the Darklicht fixtures. The company will deploy their new LED fixtures on all her lighttowers and towercranes as they offer supreme performance and an excellent light cut-off to not inflict any inconvinience to the surrounding enviroment. This is of rising importance as construction sites are now often closer to properties then before.
Currently installed luminaires
In conformity with EN-12464-2 regulations
Measured Average Lux
In conformity with EN-12464-2 regulations
Measured Uniformity
Project Summary:
The first construction companies in the world that have embraced the new lighting concept of glare free lighting. No longer causing glare to neighbouring properties and local wildlife.
Usage of product: In lighttowers and towercranes
Annual energy saved every year: 320.000.00Kwh or 73%
Luminaires used: Dark Licht – 600W | Industrial
Total amount of kW used: 120.00kW

200x Dark Licht
600W | Industrial
(80 currently in use)
Project overview: images
Results: Drone footage
Ballast Nedam and Heddes Bouw get the most out of the switch to sustainable lighting with Darklicht LED fixtures. Together the two firms replace all their owned conventional 2 Kilowatt fixtures to Darklicht LED’s. This results in an enormous energy saving of 73%. In addition, the unique properties of the Darklicht fixture make the investment a socially responsible choice. It is in fact the only LED fixture in the market suitable for these purposes that has complete light cut-off. As a result, the construction site can be illuminated in line with the applicable regulations, such as the EN-12464-2, without the same high light intensity radiating far beyond the boundaries of the construction site. In concrete terms, this means: no glare for local residents or nature and an extremely efficient use of light.
Company's response
“Sustainable building” is a commonly used term, but what are we actually doing about it? Currently our lighting equipment is being replaced by Ballast Nedam Materieel. Our current 2 kilowatts fixtures will be replaced by 600watt Darklicht fixtures from JEL Products. This step will save us a lot of energy! And that is not the only advantage. This so-called Darklicht fixture ensures the light only shines on the construction site. Nice and efficient! Local residents and nature are of course extra happy with this!