Area Lighting
Area Lighting | Van Adrighem
This project is the first area realized with our new lighting; the Dark Licht Series. The results of this project are excellent. Our DarkLicht lighting uses 3kW to light up 16.000m2 of general working area. In addition, there is no light pollution and/or glare and we easily achieve an average of 60 lux. While 50lux was required trough the EN-12464-2 lighting regulation.
Luminaires Installed
Measured Average Lux
Measured Uniformity
Project Summary:
This project contains part of the docking area of the world’s largest crane rental company.
Dimensions of the lit up area: 16.000m2
Amount of poles used: 2 poles
Luminaires used:
- 5x Dark Licht – 600W | Industrial
Total amount of kW used: 3kW (5×600W)

5x Dark Licht
600W | Industrial
Results: OFF | ON
As can be seen in the images, the difference between before and after is very large. Previously there was no lighting installed at the docking area as there was no operations going on at night. Because of the companies growth, terrain lighting has been installed to ensure a safe working environment for whenever there is work or loading happening at the docking area. The installation has no light pollution for incoming vessels and local residents. Dark Licht also ensures a cleaner future. Achieving the same results with older LED technology would result in an increase of wattage by over 50%. This is a huge energy saving and will also have a positive effect on the energy bill.
Engineering Testimonial
Our client was expanding the possibilities of the working area at their Dock when choosing to use our area lighting. No longer do they have to use separate light towers to light up the working area. Using the Darklicht fittings we have ensured higher levels of comfort, and light quality while reducing the overall cost of operation. The lighting can now be turned on with the press of a button!