Soccer Field
Soccer Field | BMT
This project is the first soccer field realized with our new lighting; the Dark Licht Series. The results of this project are excellent. Our DarkLicht lighting uses 12kW to replace 18kW standard LED lighting (50% more compared to Dark Licht). In addition, there is no light pollution and/or glare and we easily achieve an average of 200 lux.
Luminaires Installed
Measured Average Lux
Measured Uniformity
Project Summary:
This project contains a standard soccer field.
Dimensions Soccer Field: 64 x 100 meter
Amount of poles used: 8 poles
Luminaires used:
- 4x Dark Licht – 1200W | Industrial
- 4x Dark Licht – 1800W | Industrial
Total amount of kW used: 12kW (4x1200W + 4x1800W)

4x Dark Licht
1200W | Industrial
4x Dark Licht
1800W | Industrial
Project overview: images
Results: Before | After
As can be seen in the images, the difference between before and after is very large. Not only has the general luminosity increased by 40%, the general uniformity has also increased by 20%. In addition, the highlights have been removed and we have no light pollution for spectators and local residents. Dark Licht also ensures a cleaner future. The old LED lighting uses 50% more kW (18kW) than the new Dark Licht (12kW). This is a huge energy saving and will also have a positive effect on the energy bill.
Opponent Testimonial
Unlike the lighting we have at our club, this lighting looks great! I would like to come and play football on your football field to experience the difference!